Psychology News
Researchers at the American Psychological Association revealed that the key to enjoying a long-term relationship and happiness is to appreciate your partner’s strengths. The study is published in the journal Psychological Assessment.
The Study
To understand the pillars of a strong relationship, the research team conducted several studies using samples of people in romantic relationships. They used a 1-week daily diary to measure perceptions of partner strength, recognition of costs associated with the use of these strengths, relationship satisfaction, etc.
The Findings
The results revealed that happy couples who enjoy long-term and fulfilling relationships positively appreciate each other’s strengths and achievements.
In fact, the greater you appreciate your partner’s strengths, the better you can enjoy relationship satisfaction, commitment, investment, intimacy, self-expansion, and support for goal pursuit.
The study is the first of its kind to link gratitude and personality strengths in romantic relationships with relationship fulfillment and not simply limit itself to examining the Big Five personality traits of partners. The researchers look to further research to better understand romantic couples and formulate aspirational targets in clinical interventions.
To Know More You May Refer To
Kashdan, T. B., Blalock, D. V., Young, K. C., Machell, K. A., Monfort, S. S., McKnight, P. E., & Ferssizidis, P. (2018). Personality strengths in romantic relationships: Measuring perceptions of benefits and costs and their impact on personal and relational well-being. Psychological Assessment, 30(2), 241–258.