In a tragic incident from Gujarat, a man has died by suicide, and his wife is now facing charges for this suicide case, after a video surfaced blaming her for his death. The incident took place in Botad district on December 30, when 39-year-old Suresh Sathadiya was found hanging at his home.
According to the Gujarat police, Suresh left behind a chilling message in a video recorded on his phone. In the video, he urged his family to “teach his wife a lesson” for causing his death. The video was discovered by his family members after they found him dead.
The police said that Suresh’s father filed a complaint on January 4, accusing his daughter-in-law, Jayaben, of mentally harassing Suresh. The complaint mentioned frequent arguments and Jayaben’s tendency to leave their home and stay at her parents’ house. Suresh reportedly went to his in-laws’ house to bring her back, but she refused, leaving him feeling helpless and distraught. Following this, Suresh took the drastic step of ending his life.
The police have filed an FIR against Jayaben under Section 108 of the Indian Penal Code, which deals with abetment of suicide. Investigations are currently ongoing, and the authorities are working to uncover more details surrounding this heartbreaking case.
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