You never know

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You never know

“You never know what other people are dealing with. Be kind.”

The struggles others face are often unknown, so kindness should always be shown as a considerate and compassionate response to the unseen challenges people may be silently dealing with.

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  • No response is a response

    No response is a response

  • I don’t care

    I don’t care

  • Stop stressing over

    Stop stressing over

  • It hurts when you realize

    It hurts when you realize

  • I’m not lazy

    I’m not lazy

  • Feel so you can heal

    Feel so you can heal

  • Let positivity be your shield

    Let positivity be your shield

  • Kindness always comes back

    Kindness always comes back

  • No matter how educated

    No matter how educated

  • One step at a time

    One step at a time

  • Trust yourself

    Trust yourself

  • Do not let the behaviour of others

    Do not let the behaviour of others

  • Do not give your past the power

    Do not give your past the power

  • You have survived

    You have survived

  • Be patient with yourself

    Be patient with yourself

  • Believe you can

    Believe you can

  • I know you are tired

    I know you are tired

  • Instead of worrying

    Instead of worrying

  • When you’re happy

    When you’re happy

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