We have to remind ourselves

We have to remind ourselves
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& sometimes, We have to remind ourselves:

that we are not responsible for other people’s poor behaviour towards us, or their gaslighting, or their manipulation, or their unkindness. That’s on them. What’s on you is how you choose to respond, set boundaries, know your worth, and not let their actions impact the beautiful soul that you are.

You aren’t to blame for how others treat you—whether it’s gaslighting, manipulation, or unkindness. Their actions reflect them, not you. Focus on how you respond, set boundaries, and protect your worth. Don’t let their negativity dim your light.

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  • Always be proud
  • Give yourself permission
  • Keep your eyes on the star
  • Today is gonna be a good day
  • Dreaming with my eyes
  • It’s okay to have a bad
  • Feel the fear
  • Become more aware
  • Don’t let your mind
  • Never doubt
  • As you heal
  • Remember to fill yourself
  • Chasing is a wound response
  • Somedays will hurt
  • Reality vs False narrative
  • You are enough
  • Share your smile
  • You are not too broken
  • Sometimes letting things go
  • Taking care of yourself