Dear self I know you

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Dear self I know you are doing the best

“Dear self, I know you’re doing the best you can. I believe in you. Keep going.”

The individual acknowledges their efforts are the best they can offer, expressing belief and encouragement to continue persevering, with reassurance that progress will be made through ongoing dedication.

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  • No response is a response

    No response is a response

  • I don’t care

    I don’t care

  • Stop stressing over

    Stop stressing over

  • It hurts when you realize

    It hurts when you realize

  • I’m not lazy

    I’m not lazy

  • Feel so you can heal

    Feel so you can heal

  • Let positivity be your shield

    Let positivity be your shield

  • Kindness always comes back

    Kindness always comes back

  • No matter how educated

    No matter how educated

  • One step at a time

    One step at a time

  • Trust yourself

    Trust yourself

  • Do not let the behaviour of others

    Do not let the behaviour of others

  • Do not give your past the power

    Do not give your past the power

  • You have survived

    You have survived

  • Be patient with yourself

    Be patient with yourself

  • Believe you can

    Believe you can

  • I know you are tired

    I know you are tired

  • Instead of worrying

    Instead of worrying

  • When you’re happy

    When you’re happy

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