The Wireless Connection Between Human Brain and Computer Can Restore Mobility In People With Paralysis

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Brain News: The journal IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering reports that scientists have managed to wirelessly connect a human brain to a computer.

A mind-blowing advancement in neural interface technologies, which can ease the lives of people with paralysis. According to the trial details published in the study, the system works with a small transmitter and without any cables and is able to transmit brain signals at ‘single-neuron resolution and in full broadband fidelity’.

The system helped the trial participants with paralysis to control a tablet computer with similar typing speeds and point-and-click accuracy as they could with wired systems. The trial results showed that wireless system is functionally equivalent to the wired systems. John Simeral, the lead author of the study: “we can use the same decoding algorithms we used with wired equipment.”

The wireless system is advantageous because there is no need to be physically tethered to the equipment. The two men (between 35 and 63 years old) of the latest trial, paralyzed through spinal cord injuries used the wireless system continuously for up to 24 hours while at home, rather than in a laboratory.

The wireless connection between the human brain and computer increases the possibility of using the system in many new ways and restore communication and mobility in people with paralysis.

To Know More, You May Refer To:

Cuthbertson, A. (2021, April 2). Scientists connect human brain to computer wirelessly for first time ever. The Independent.

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