Is Tom Holland On Social Media Break For Mental Health?

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  • Recently, actor Tom Holland announced that he was taking a social media break.
  • Experts spread light on the mental health benefits of social media breaks.

Spiderman: No Way Home star Tom Holland joined a long list of celebrities in the likes of model Hailey Bieber, musician Lizzo, actress Millie Bobby Brown, and others who took a hiatus from social media to care for their mental health.

Speaking on how negative things circulating on the Internet affect our mindsets, Holland elaborated: “I find Instagram and Twitter to be overstimulating, to be overwhelming … I get caught up, and I spiral when I read things about me online, and ultimately, it’s very detrimental to my mental state. So, I decided to take a step back and delete the app.

How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health?

Time and again, research has raised concerns over the excessive use and dependence on social media, trolling, cyberbullying, etc. Recent studies have confirmed that social media poses several mental health challenges, such as:

  • Social media addiction
  • Body-image issues
  • Mental health conditions (like depression, anxiety, etc.)
  • Increased dissatisfaction with one’s own life
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Memory problems
  • Poor academic and/or professional performance
  • Social isolation

With digital revolution, social media has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. In a way, it also means that its mental health consequences also fall on a wider audience, including children and the elderly. However, because of the lack of awareness and the stigma around mental health, psychological disorders induced by social media go undiagnosed or ill-diagnosed.

Can A Social Media Break Benefit Your Mental Health?

In an age where social media platforms are fundamental channels of communication, networking, and even livelihood—for some people, quitting social media is not an option.

However, experts recommend that a brief hiatus or ‘detoxification’ from social media can do wonders for our psychological well-being and for those around us.

The common mental health benefits of social media breaks include:

  • Getting the time to address the mental health challenges triggered by social media
  • Decreased symptoms of fear of missing out or FOMO
  • Enhanced appreciation for one’s own life
  • Reduced information overload
  • Lower chances of social media addiction, social isolation, doomscrolling, etc.
  • Enhanced mindfulness and stress reduction
  • Spending quality time with family and friends

How To Take A Social Media Break?

Experts have recommended the following measures for taking a social media break:

  • Deactivate or uninstall the social media apps
  • Turn off notifications from the various social media platforms
  • Set a bare minimum time for scrolling through social media
  • Use social media-limiting apps
  • Avoid social media use before bedtime to enjoy quality sleep
  • Practice self-care (like journaling, hiking, gardening, etc.)

Taking a break from social media can help us to become mindful of our lives and surroundings. At first, the temptation to resume social media use may be overpowering, but cutting back on the time we spend online can go a long way.

As the news of celebrities taking social media breaks goes viral, it is sure to motivate more people to go for a social media detox. In the long run, it can help us all enjoy sound mental health and achieve self-contentment and happiness in life.

Know More About –

  1. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
  2. Internet Addiction
  3. Sleep Disorders
  1. 8 Signs You Need To Stay Away From Social Media
  2. Negative Effects Of Instagram On Mental Health: 7 Ways Instagram Ruins Lives
  3. 18 Reasons Why Social Media Makes Us Hate Ourselves

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