Scientists Discover A New Theory For How Brain Stores Memories

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Brain News: Researchers from the University of Kent developed MeshCODE, a revolutionary new theory for understanding how the human brain functions and stores memory. The new discovery may help in treating brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

The new study published by Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, explains that MeshCODE theory views the brain as an organic supercomputer and neuronal cells work as a mechanical computer. A giant network of data-storing memory molecules operating as switches is built into each and every synapse of the brain that resembles a complex binary code. Dr Ben Goult from Kent’s School of Biosciences suggests that memories are written in the shape of molecules in the synaptic scaffolds.

The theory is based on the discovery of protein molecules, known as talin. These molecules have “switch-like” domains and undergo change in shape in response to cell pressure. These switches have two stable states, 0 and 1, and this pattern of binary information stored in each molecule is dependent on previous input, similar to the Save History function in a computer. The data stored in this binary format can be updated by small changes in force generated by the cell’s cytoskeleton.

Electrochemical signalling between trillions of neurons occurs between synapses, each of which contains a scaffold of the talin molecules. Researchers suggest that the meshwork of talin proteins actually represent an array of binary switches with the potential to store information and encode memory.

This mechanical coding would run continuously in every neuron and extend into all cells, ultimately amounting to a machine code coordinating the entire organism. So, all the events in life from birth if written into this code, one can generate a constantly updated, mathematical representation of a person’s unique life.

To Know More You My Refer To:

Goult, B. T. (2021). The mechanical basis of memory – the MeshCODE theory. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience14

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