Study Reveals Ongoing Mental Health Challenges Post-Transgender Medical Treatment

Post-Transgender Medical Treatment
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Three Finnish researchers recently conducted a peer-reviewed study that revealed the persistent mental health challenges faced by transgendered people, even post-transgender medical treatment.

The research was published in European Psychiatry, an esteemed journal of Cambridge University Press, and challenges dominant ideas and claims about the success of such interventions in curing mental problems.

The Study Findings

Looking at the data from 3,665 patients who used Finland’s Gender Identity Services between 1996 and 2019, this alarming trend was discovered.

Regardless of whether they had sought gender identity services or not, significantly higher psychiatric needs were observed in individuals as compared to their control group. These persisted post-transgender medical treatment.

The study noted a growing demand for gender transitioning procedures by young people with teenagers featuring prominently.

More troublingly, these teens presented with more psychiatric needs implying that there has been a worrying surge in cases of gender dysphoria and associated mental health issues.

Common Psychological Needs

Severe mood disorder ranked highest among individuals afflicted by gender dysphoria compared to any other psychiatric illness including controls who had a more varied distribution of disorders.

Secondly, both groups suffered comparably from anxiety disorders. Additionally, the research identified autism as having a stronger link with transgender identity.

Notably however, it has been observed that unlike those seeking treatment during the nineties and early years of the new millennium for instance there is an upswing in psychiatric illnesses among those wishing for post-transgender therapies nowadays.

Author’s Points and Fears Regarding Post-Transgender Medical Treatment

Dr Riittakerttu Kaltiala who was also involved in initiating hormone therapy for children with transsexualism all over Europe expressed concerns regarding medicalizing gender-distressed children.

Despite Dr Kaltiala’s involvement in transgender treatment earlier on she voiced fears about making decisions about kids’ healthy bodies only on the account of changing feelings around their gender because it harmed their overall well-being.

Speaking about her time at Tampere University Hospital’s youth gender clinic back in 2011, Kaltiala remembered that the young people they were treating were not thriving. Instead, their lives were deteriorating.

Dr. Kaltiala criticized the “affirmative” model of post-transgender care for minors being advocated by American medical industry.

It was done through an example of hundreds of teenage girls who chose to have elective double mastectomies related to gender transition and healthy breasts removal when they were as young as twelve.

This growing instance is illustrative of how gender identity changes deeply affect children.

Growing Popularity of Gender Identity Changes

The study’s findings correlate with a recent increase in popularity for minors to change their sexual identity.

According to statistics, 300,000 adolescents aged 13 to 17 had identified themselves as transgender during the previous year.

The upsurge in self-identification raises important questions that call for a serious examination into the mental health consequences and support mechanisms available for such individuals.

In conclusion, post-transgender medical treatments have been seen as a way of reducing gender dysphoria, but this Finnish research brings out another perspective.

These interventions do not eliminate patients’ psychiatric needs which imply that there are more complex mental health issues within this population.

The findings indicate that there is need for a comprehensive approach towards healthcare, post-transgender medical treatment.

The interventions are not only supposed to be limited to medical dimension but also include strong mental health support systems and a better comprehension of the intricate dynamics surrounding gender dysphoria.

This study is an important cornerstone that prompts further research and informs new dialogue to more effectively address the many challenges faced by transgender people.

Note: The paper summarizes the research, concerns and implications related to mental health post-transgender treatment. It also quotes Dr Kaltiala and stresses on the need for all-inclusive support structures in transgender healthcare.

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