Psychology News
Researchers at the University of Vienna revealed how online art viewing is linked to greater mental well-being. The study is published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.
The Study
The research team asked participants to visit art exhibitions accessible online, through smartphones, tablets, and computers. Before and after the visit, the psychological state and well-being of the participants were measured to determine the extent to which viewing art in digital spaces can be beneficial for our mental health.
The Findings
The results revealed that viewing art online has a positive impact on our well-being. In fact, a brief, even a short three-minute visit to the best online art galleries or cultural exhibitions can significantly enhance our positive feelings, as well as reduce loneliness and anxiety. The results were comparable to other interventions such as nature experiences and visits to physical art galleries.
The researchers are enthusiastic that the study can be used to devise effective evidence-based art interventions for mental disorders.
To Know More You May Refer To
Trupp, M. D., Bignardi, G., Chana, K., Specker, E., & Pelowski, M. (2022). Can a Brief Interaction With Online, Digital Art Improve Wellbeing? A Comparative Study of the Impact of Online Art and Culture Presentations on Mood, State-Anxiety, Subjective Wellbeing, and Loneliness. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 782033.