Nature Exposure May Boost Cognitive Abilities in Children and Adolescents

Nature Exposure
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Study Finds Small Improvements in Attention and Executive Functioning

A recent meta-analytic study has shed light on the potential cognitive benefits of nature exposure for children and adolescents. While the study found no significant overall association between nature exposure and cognitive performance, a closer examination of experimental data revealed small but notable improvements in attentive and executive functioning. The findings were published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology.

Understanding Nature Exposure and Its Benefits

Nature exposure refers to the time spent in natural environments, such as parks, meadows, forests, or gardens. Research has consistently shown that being in nature can significantly improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. This is believed to be due to nature’s ability to promote relaxation and provide a respite from the overstimulation of urban life. Additionally, exposure to nature has been linked to physical health benefits, including lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and increased physical activity.

Exploring Cognitive Benefits

In recent years, scientists have become increasingly interested in the effects of nature exposure on cognition. Modern society’s demands can lead to mental fatigue, diminishing an individual’s capacity to carry out complex cognitive tasks. The Attention Restoration Theory suggests that exposure to nature can replenish these cognitive resources. According to this theory, nature produces experiences of “soft fascination” that capture attention in a non-taxing way, allowing the body and mind to rest and restore cognitive abilities.

The Study: Methodology and Findings

Researchers Lan Nguyen and Jared Walters conducted two meta-analyses to examine the overall effects and associations found in studies exploring the links between nature exposure and cognition. They searched scientific databases for relevant publications, resulting in 51 studies included in their meta-analyses.

Of these, 22 studies reported associations between nature exposure and cognitive performance, involving a total of 36,941 participants. The analysis found no overall association between nature exposure and cognitive performance, even though published studies were likely somewhat selected for their positive results.

The second meta-analysis included 34 experimental studies with a total of 3,160 participants. These studies focused on various forms of nature exposure, including cognitive tasks in nature, walking, playing, or activities in nature, virtual exposure to nature, classroom redesigns to include more natural features, and nature schools. These experiments showed a small, positive effect on cognitive performance, particularly in attention and executive functions.

Implications and Limitations

“The findings lend support to the Attention Restoration Theory, suggesting that extended exposure to nature has the potential to restore and enhance attention and executive functioning in children and adolescents,” the study authors concluded.

However, the authors noted that studies of lower methodological quality tended to report larger effects than better-designed studies, which may have somewhat biased the results.


This study provides valuable insights into the potential cognitive benefits of nature exposure for children and adolescents. While the overall association may not be significant, experimental data indicates that nature exposure can lead to small improvements in attention and executive functioning, supporting the Attention Restoration Theory.

For further details, the study titled “Nature Exposure Might Help Restore Cognitive Capacities of Children and Adolescents” was authored by Lan Nguyen and Jared Walters and published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology.

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