Mental Health News
A team of researchers at the University of Helsinki explored how singing supports stroke rehabilitation. The study is published in the journal Brain Communications.
The Study
The researchers surveyed how music supports recovery in stroke survivors in aphasia rehabilitation. They examined how a wide variety of singing elements—such as choral singing, melodic intonation therapy, tablet-assisted singing training, etc.—can enhance speech production during stroke recovery.
The Findings
The results revealed that singing-based stroke rehabilitation can enhance both language function and the psychosocial well-being of patients and their families. In fact, cost-effective singing-based group rehabilitation should be utilized in healthcare for greater treatment outcomes.
The authors elaborated: “In addition to training in speech production, group-based rehabilitation provides an excellent opportunity for peer support both for the patients and their families.”
To Know More You May Refer To
Siponkoski, S.-T., Pitkäniemi, A., Laitinen, S., Särkämö, E.-R., Pentikäinen, E., Eloranta, H., Tuomiranta, L., Melkas, S., Schlaug, G., Sihvonen, A. J., & Särkämö, T. (2022). Efficacy of a multicomponent singing intervention on communication and psychosocial functioning in chronic aphasia: a randomized controlled crossover trial. Brain Communications.