Mental Health Issues Increased In Families Due To The COVID-19 Pandemic, Says Study

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Mental Health News: Due to the covid 19 pandemic, many families have had to isolate themselves in the confines of their homes. New research has found that this has posed detrimental effects on individuals and family’s well-being.

According to the Penn State researchers, parents reported that their children were experiencing high levels of “internalizing” problems like depression and anxiety and “externalizing” problems such as aggressive and disruptive behavior in the initial months of the pandemic.

“Stress in general — whether daily hassles or acute, crisis-driven stress — typically leads to greater conflict and hostility in family relationships,” Feinberg said, a research professor of health and human development at Penn State. He also pointed out that practicing positive parenting practices is the key to protect children during future crises such as pandemics, economic shocks, or natural disasters.

The study pointed out that it may be inevitable that families would experience these difficulties. However, the magnitude of the decline of well-being is quite shocking.

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Penn State. (2021, April 13). COVID-19 pandemic may have increased mental health issues within families. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 11, 2021 from

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