Loneliness Linked To Unhealthful Diets In College Students: Research Finds

Eating Unhealthful Diets Causes Loneliness
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Health News

A team of researchers at George Mason University explored how physical inactivity and loneliness are associated with unhealthful diets. The study is published in the Journal of American College Health.

The Study

In order to understand the link between physical inactivity, loneliness, and unhealthful diets, the researchers assessed data from the Mason: Health Starts Here cohort study. The participants who were college students across the US completed online surveys about sedentary behavior, loneliness and adjustment issues, and unhealthful dietary behaviors.

The Findings

The results revealed that loneliness in college students significantly contributes to low scores in physical activity and unhealthful diets. The researchers elaborated: “Interventions to reduce loneliness among college students may have a positive effect on health promotion in this population. This data goes along with other initial findings from the Health Starts Here study that college students are not meeting healthy dietary guidelines or getting enough physical activity.

To Know More You May Refer To

Jiang, L., Cheskin, L. J., Frankenfeld, C. L., Rana, Z. H., & de Jonge, L. (2022). Loneliness is associated with unhealthful dietary behaviors and physical inactivity among US college students. Journal of American college health : J of ACH, 1–6. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2022.2141060

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