Psychology News
Researchers at Massey University, New Zealand, revealed the link between loneliness and depression in elderly men. The study is published in the journal Aging and Mental Health.
The Study
The researchers examined 217 older men under 65 years to understand the relationship between loneliness, health, and depression. The participants completed questionnaires assessing their psychological well-being, physical health, loneliness and social isolation.
The Findings
The results showed that loneliness and social isolation cause depression in older adults. In fact, seclusion is associated with greater rates of depression, declining health, and functional impairment. It was also found that chronic illness and age-related losses lead to a higher incidence of depressive symptoms and influence the experience of depression in older males. These include loss of professional identity, physical mobility, independent lifestyles, and narrowing social circles.
The researchers are enthusiastic that the findings can help formulate “more outgoing” and social interventions and group support programs for the elderly to help them combat old-age depressive disorders. These can more effectively improve psychological well-being in older adults and enable them to lead happier lives.
To Know More You May Refer To
Alpass, F. M., & Neville, S. (2003). Loneliness, health and depression in older males. Aging & mental health, 7(3), 212–216.