Is There Any Link Between Changes In Climate And Sleep Loss?

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  • Recent research highlights the link between changes in climate and sleep.
  • Experts warn about increasing sleep debt and its impact on our mental and physical health.

What Is Sleep Debt?

“Sleep debt” or sleep deficit is the difference between how much sleep you need and how much sleep you actually get. It can be caused by illness, stress, etc.

How Does Climate Change Affect Sleep?

A recent survey of data from sleep-tracking wristbands, collected across 68 countries, showed that climate change and sleeplessness are linked. The findings revealed that sleep loss from nighttime heat causes 11 nights of shortened sleep every year.

This sleep debt increases in less developed countries or countries with warm climates. However, by 2099, it is expected to transcend seasons, different climates, social demographics, and the affluence of nations across the globe.

This is because our bodies maintain a certain temperature at night, shedding heat into the surrounding ‘cooler’ environment by dilating our blood vessels and increasing blood flow. However, with a rise in temperature and humidity, this bodily process gets disrupted. Our bodies cannot dispel heat so easily and this affects our sleeping patterns.

The “Indian” Picture Of Climate And Sleep Debt

According to a recent survey, India is the 2nd most sleep-deprived country in the world with over 90% of sleep-deprived citizens. It also ranks fourth among the list of countries most affected by climate change.

Extensive research has already confirmed the consequences of sleep deprivation (like cardiovascular diseases, physical and mental health disorders, injuries, etc.) and experts fear that increasing night-time temperatures and climate anxiety will further aggravate the “sleeplessness” crisis.

Therefore, they recommend climate management, medication, and maintenance of a good sleep hygiene regime to help people avoid sleeping less because of high temperatures.

Know More About –

  1. Stress
  2. Sleep
  3. Good Mental Health
  1. The 5 Stages Of Sleep Deprivation (And Tips To Improve Sleep Quality)
  2. The Creative Power Of Your Sleep: 10 Easy Practices
  3. How To Sleep Better When You Have Insomnia

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