Why Should You Know Your Partner’s Love Language? Study Reveals

news 21 september featured
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Psychology News

Researchers at the University of Warsaw, Poland, explored how reciprocating your partner’s love language results in greater relationship satisfaction. The study is published in the journal PLOS ONE.

The Study

Using Chapman’s Love Languages hypothesis, the authors identified five tendencies for expressing love in romantic partners. These include acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, and gifts.

In order to understand how love languages may improve relationship longevity, the researchers examined 100 romantic heterosexual couples, aged 17–58 years. The participants were recruited using social media and personal connections and were examined using the forced-choice method and a LL scale rating individual preferences.

They were asked to provide data about their expressions of love, reception of signs of affection, relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, and empathy.

The Findings

The results revealed that common “love languages” make romantic relationships stronger, more long-lasting, and more satisfying. In fact, if you know your partner’s love language, you are in a better position to reciprocate it and thus enjoy a more fulfilling relationship.

To Know More You May Refer To

Mostova, O., Stolarski, M., & Matthews, G. (2022). I love The way you love me: Responding to partner’s love language preferences boosts satisfaction in romantic heterosexual couples. PLOS ONE, 17(6). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0269429

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