Mental Health News
Researchers at Aston University explored how eating fruits for mental health can yield long-term benefits. The study is published in the journal British Journal of Nutrition.
The Study
The research team surveyed 428 adults from across the UK. They explored the relationship between the participants’ consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweet and savory food snacks, and their psychological health.
The Findings
The results revealed that both nutrient-rich fruit and nutrient-poor savory snacks have an impact on positive mental wellbeing. Eating fruits more often and including them in the diet for depression treatment can beat depression and enhance mental well-being.
On the other hand, people who frequently snack on nutrient-poor savory foods are more likely to experience poor mental health and the inability to manage depression, anxiety, etc.
One of the lead researchers, Nicola-Jayne Tuck, elaborated: “Both fruit and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, fiber and essential micronutrients which promote optimal brain function, but these nutrients can be lost during cooking. As we are more likely to eat fruit raw, this could potentially explain its stronger influence on our psychological health. It is possible that changing what we snack on could be a really simple and easy way to improve our mental well-being [and keep depression away].“
To Know More You May Refer To
Tuck, N., Farrow, C., & Thomas, J. (2022). Frequency of fruit consumption and savoury snacking predict psychological health; selective mediation via cognitive failures. British Journal of Nutrition, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S0007114522001660