Gut Health And Cognitive Process Are Genetically Linked Says Study

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In the world’s largest study of genetic factors in peptic ulcer disease, researchers from the University of Queensland have recently validated the link between depression and stomach ulcers. The researchers of the UQ Institute have produced clues showing the connection between the gut and brain and how they work together across nearly half a million people.

According to the study, nearly 5-10% of individuals are affected by gastrointestinal diseases like peptic ulcers at some point in their lives. “This study linking major depression with an increased risk of gastrointestinal disorders also explains the co-morbidity of the conditions” adds the study. Initially, stress was assumed to be the leading cause of peptic ulcer disease until it was linked to the bacteria H. pylori by Australian Nobel Prize winners, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren.

In the quest to understand why some people develop ulcers, the researchers studied health data of 456,327 individuals from the UK Biobank. Upon conducting the study, it was found that eight genetic variations are associated with the risk of getting peptic ulcer disease. Additionally, six out of the eight variations explain why some people are more prone to H. pylori infection, thus making them prone to peptic ulcer disease.

According to the study, current peptic ulcer treatment targets the gene linked to one of these genetic variations. Thus, upon identifying other associated genes, they can develop new treatment options.

To Know More, You May Refer To:

Yeda Wu, Graham K. Murray, Enda M. Byrne, Julia Sidorenko, Peter M. Visscher, Naomi R. Wray. GWAS of peptic ulcer disease implicates Helicobacter pylori infection, other gastrointestinal disorders and depression. Nature Communications, 2021; 12 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21280-7 1 Wu, Y., Murray, G.K., Byrne, E.M. et al. GWAS of peptic ulcer disease implicates Helicobacter pylori infection, other gastrointestinal disorders and depression. Nat Commun 12, 1146 (2021).


  • 1
    Wu, Y., Murray, G.K., Byrne, E.M. et al. GWAS of peptic ulcer disease implicates Helicobacter pylori infection, other gastrointestinal disorders and depression. Nat Commun 12, 1146 (2021).

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