Can Fewer Working Hours Boost Your Life Satisfaction? Study Finds

Fewer Working Hours Boost Life Satisfaction
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Psychology News

A team of researchers at Freie Universität Berlin explored how fewer working hours can improve life satisfaction. The study is published in the journal Health Economics Review.

The Study

The researchers reviewed existing studies that explored the link between fewer working hours and higher life satisfaction. They also analyzed 18,060 responses from 10 surveys that inquired about life satisfaction, working time, general health, social inclusion and trust, income, marital status, and so forth.

The Findings

The results revealed that fewer working hours correlated with higher life satisfaction. Working fewer hours means affording to spend time with family and have time for other commitments/responsibilities.

To Know More You May Refer To

Shao Q. (2022). Does less working time improve life satisfaction? Evidence from European Social Survey. Health economics review, 12(1), 50.

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