Mental Health News – Study found that adults with neurological conditions are more likely to have had negative childhood experiences, including household dysfunction, neglect, or abuse. This study doesn’t suggest that traumatic childhood experiences can cause neurological conditions, it only shows an association between the two.
In a new study, researchers at the American Academy of Neurology analyzed 198 people with different neurological conditions. The participants underwent the screening for anxiety and depression and depression and were asked to complete a questionnaire about adverse childhood experiences. The researchers also examined the medical records of the patients to determine how often they visited an emergency department, were called their clinic, or were hospitalized.
As per the findings, 24% of patients in the study group had elevated scores, as compared to 13% of the general population. Patients with high scores on the questionnaire used the healthcare services more. The result showed that they were 21 times more likely than those with low scores to have high use of emergency department services. The researchers found that patients with high scores were more likely to be hospitalized and call their clinic as well.
These findings suggest that people who have more traumatic childhood experiences may have more neurological symptoms, disability, and greater medical requirements. Additionally, people with high scores were six and five times more likely to have an additional disorder and a psychiatric condition respectively. The research suggests that people with any neurological condition, including stroke, headache, or epilepsy tend to have experienced abuse, neglect, or household dysfunction during their childhood.
“Early recognition of these high adverse childhood experiences in people with neurologic conditions may be a way to improve their health,” said Adys Mendizabal, lead author of the study.
To Know More You May Refer To:
Mendizabal, A., Nathan, C. L., Khankhanian, P., Anto, M., Clyburn, C., Acaba-Berrocal, A., Breen, L., & Dahodwala, N. (2021, September 22). Adverse childhood experiences in patients with Neurologic disease. Neurology Clinical Practice.
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