Depression Linked To Stomach Ulcers, Researchers Say

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Gastrointestinal diseases like peptic ulcers, affect between five and 10 percent of people at some time in their lives. Gastrointestinal symptoms improved after psychotherapy or psychiatry treatment, according to Dr Yeda Wu. The study claims gut health and mood are genetically entwined also explains the co-morbidity of the conditions.

With the aim of identifying why some people develop ulcers, researchers studied health data from 456,327 individuals from the UK Biobank and identified 8 genetic variations associated with the risk of developing peptic ulcer disease. Six of the eight genetic factors explain why some people are more prone to H. pylori infection, which makes them vulnerable to peptic ulcer disease.

The study on the genetic contribution to peptic ulcer disease helps better understand the many complex diseases and traits and the risks more fully. The study has important implications in developing new treatments for peptic ulcer targeting associated genes.

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Yeda Wu, Graham K. Murray, Enda M. Byrne, Julia Sidorenko, Peter M. Visscher, Naomi R. Wray. GWAS of peptic ulcer disease implicates Helicobacter pylori infection, other gastrointestinal disorders and depression. Nature Communications, 2021; 12 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21280-7

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