Psychology News
A team of researchers at Ohio State University explored how couples working from home together approach domestic labor. The study is published in the journal Personnel Psychology.
The Study
The researchers conducted two studies with dual-earning couples working from home in China and Korea, respectively. All participants completed two surveys for 14 consecutive workdays.
Each pair of husband and wife completed questionnaires about their work-from-home status, flexible work schedules, the amount of work and family tasks they completed, work-family conflict, and negative feelings related to both professional commitments and housework.
The Findings
The results revealed that both husbands and wives completed more family-related tasks when they worked from home versus the office. With flexible work schedules, the couples also experienced lesser inter-role conflict at home and took on a more equitable distribution of family tasks.
To Know More You May Refer To
Hu, J., Chiang, J. T.-J., Liu, Y., & Gao, Y. (2021). Double Challenges: How Working From Home Affects Dual-Earner Couples’ Work-Family Experiences. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1), 10734.