Psychology News
Researchers at Cornell University claimed that couples with joint bank accounts last longer and enjoy healthier relationships. The study is published in the journal Family Relations.
The Study
The researchers wanted to examine “the association between men’s and women’s reports of household financial arrangements and various dimensions of relationship quality”.
They surveyed data from the Marital and Relationship Survey (MARS), a web-based survey of married and cohabiting couples. They restricted the sample to couples with coresident minor children and whose household incomes were less than $ 50,000.
They measured factors like relationship satisfaction, sexual compatibility, arrangement of finances and bank accounts, trust and communication, conflict resolution, etc.
The Findings
The results revealed that couples with joint bank accounts last longer and have healthier and more satisfying relationships than those who have other types of financial arrangements. This trend is specifically pronounced in low-income couples, couples from disadvantaged backgrounds, or couples in long-term relationships.
Formulating Policy
The researchers are enthusiastic that the findings from the study can help launch public and community-based initiatives designed to support, strengthen, and stabilize couple relationships and families.
To Know More You May Refer To
Addo, F. R., & Sassler, S. (2010). Financial Arrangements and Relationship Quality in Low-Income Couples. Family relations, 59(4), 408–423.