Can The Love Rat Gene Make Us Compulsive Cheaters In Relationships?

The Love Rat Gene
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  • Research unveils the genetic basis of infidelity in the love rat gene.
  • Mostly found in men, the gene induces commitment phobia and promiscuous behavior.

What Is The Love Rat Gene?

The “love rat gene” popularly refers to a genetic component in the brain that makes people promiscuous and afraid of commitment. In science, the love rat gene is associated with the absence of the bonding brain chemical vasopressin.

Also known as the love-cheat gene, it makes the possessors prone to frequent and persistent sexual attention- and activity- seeking behavior.

Commitment, Love, And Infidelity

Infidelity and the sexual differences in infidelity are largely products of social speculation. However, a string of studies in recent years has unveiled a more scientific and genetic basis for infidelity, especially in men.

For instance, a recent study at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute claimed that in heterosexual men, compared to women, the love rat gene is predominant. Men with this gene have two copies of the rogue ‘334’ form of the AVPR1A gene.

This genetic makeup makes them afraid of commitment and incapable of exhibiting long-term partner loyalty and trustworthiness. The study further states that around 40% of men with the love rat gene tend to exhibit infidelity signs, promiscuous behavior, and maladaptive attachment patterns—with most of their intimate relationships ending in estrangement or separation and divorce.

Why Do Married Men Cheat?

The findings of the love rat gene do not exactly account for the high rate of infidelity amongst married men. These simply state that people (of both sexes) with the love rat gene composition, married or otherwise, are genetically-wired to be unfaithful.

However, existing studies show that marital infidelity can be attributed to a number of factors. These may include:

  • Fluctuating sexual desire in the partners
  • Relationship dissatisfaction
  • A lack of an emotional connection
  • Personal insecurity
  • A spontaneous grabbing of the opportunity to cheat
  • An act of retaliation for a partner’s infidelity or other hurtful behavior, etc.

Can The Damages Of The Love Rat Gene Be Corrected?

A 2008 study with North American grassland rodents (or the animals from whom the concept of “love rat” is derived) revealed that the love rat gene can be effectively checked by artificially injecting the hormones (vasopressin and oxytocin) that strengthen affectionate bondings. This approach not only curtails the extramarital sex damage, but also promotes a monogamous approach to relationships.

A recent study, additionally, took a more psychological approach to address the damages of the love-cheat gene. It revealed that adopting a partner’s perspective in romantic relationships can increase commitment and loyalty for the partner and decrease the risks of infidelity.

This perspective-taking also promotes empathy, understanding, closeness, and caring between partners, thereby resulting in long-term, more successful relationships.

Tips To Identify A “love Rat”

While it may not always be possible to accurately chart out the course of a relationship, it helps to know that spotting certain “red flags” before the start of any relationship can save heartbreaks and the poor mental health associated with unsuccessful or broken relationships.

For example, people with the love rat gene tend to “love bomb” their potential love interests at the beginning of a relationship. However, after a brief period, they lose interest and move on to another partner.

Taking the time to know a person well at the beginning of a romantic relationship and moving at a comfortable pace (while maintaining healthy boundaries) can help you enjoy fulfilling and happier partner bonds in the long run!

Know More About –

  1. Chemistry Of Love
  2. Relationships
  3. Cheating
  1. 5 Reasons Why Your Married Man Always Breaks His Promises
  2. 5 Signs Your Partner Is Being Unfaithful To You
  3. 5 Questions To Ask Yourself If You’ve Caught Your Spouse Cheating

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