Majority of Men with Alcohol Dependence Suffer Sexual Dysfunction, Study Finds

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New Study on Male Alcohol Addicts Reveals High Prevalence and Implication of Sexual Dysfunction

In a recent study in India, it was found that most men who are dependent on alcohol have related sexual dysfunction. In particular, the research published in Journal of Psychosexual Health shows that 67% experienced problems related to their sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction came second while lack or loss of sexual desire topped the commonest problem.

Understanding Alcohol Dependence Syndrome

Alcohol dependency syndrome is a medical condition characterized by an individual’s inability to control intake of alcohol despite its negative effects. Persons suffering from this disease always have intense craving for alcohol, becoming tolerant to it as well as some withdrawal symptoms when they do not drink. It causes chronic illnesses such as liver diseases, cardiovascular disorders and neurological problems which impair normal life functioning, relationships and productivity at places of work.

Complexity Surrounding Sexual Functioning and Alcohol

Some studies have suggested that initial sexual desire may be enhanced by taking alcoholic drinks but others show long term consumption of high amounts of alcohol is associated with sexual dysfunction especially among men. The situation becomes more complicated due to chronic dependence on alcohol by both women and men with sexual dysfunction.

Details and Results from the Study

The purpose behind this study done by Parth A. Soni et al was to determine how much various dysfunctions exist among male patients diagnosed with ADS using DSM-IV-R criteria for ADS. Additionally, authors emphasized their concern about few studies focusing on Indian population in relation to this topic.

Subjects and Approach

This study recruited 170 males diagnosed with CPS according to ICD-10 guidelines from K.J Somaiya Medical College Hospital & Research Center Mumbai, Outpatients Department Of Psychiatry. Participants were aged between 30 years old –46 years old having 50% primary education only while approximately 35% had secondary school education. All subjects were married while close to 86% of them had jobs.

During the assessments, the participants made use of Alcohol Dependence Scale, Sexual Dysfunction Checklist, and Arizona Sexual Experience Scale.

Principal Findings

A total of 67% patients had suffered from alcohol dependence for a period ranging between six to ten years (46). Also, among the participants about 67% reported having experienced sexual dysfunction (47). The highest number of respondents stated that they lacked sexual desire or libido; this affected 45.88% particularly. Moreover, erectile dysfunction was experienced by approximately four out of ten men surveyed and premature ejaculation was reportedly noted in at least three individuals out of every ten participants.

Furthermore, around 35% were not satisfied with their frequency pertaining intercourse, one-quarter expressed dissatisfaction towards their own sexuality while one-tenth said they were unhappy with their partner’s behavior on bed. On the other hand, severity degree in relation to alcohol addiction did not have any effect on the type of sexual disorder.

Conclusions and Implications

The study concludes that alcohol consumption is closely linked to sexual dysfunction with lack of sexual desire as being most prevalent problem. This confirms previous investigations carried out within India on Indian males who are treated at a psychiatric hospital for alcoholism as well as related diseases such as alcohol dementia syndrome.

However, it is crucially important to note that many people suffering from this condition do not seek medical help yet these data are self-reported which can introduce some bias regarding reporting towards clinicians treating such persons.

The paper “Study Of Sexual Dysfunctions In Male Patients With Alcohol Dependence Syndrome” was written by Parth A Soni et al.

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