Self-Estimates Of Intelligence Is Higher In Men Compared To Women: Study

news 5 september featured
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Psychology News

Researchers at Griffith University, Australia, explored the gender differences in self-estimates of intelligence (SEI). The study is published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

The Study

To understand the differences in self-perception of intelligence in male and female groups, the researchers combined research and statistical methods in a series of experiments. They recruited 228 participants, both male and female, aged 18–47 years, who were pursuing a variety of degrees at university.

The participants were divided into small groups and each was provided with a booklet containing the self-estimated intelligence (SEI) measures. They were then asked to undertake the Cattell Cultural Fair IQ Test (CCFIT).

After completing the test, they completed surveys measuring self-esteem, sex-role identification, and general demographic information.

The Findings

The results revealed major differences between men and women when it came to self-estimates of intelligence. Despite evidence that men and women are equal in measured intelligence, men systematically provided higher self-estimates of intelligence. This is termed the “male hubris, female humility”(MHFH) effect.

In fact, thanks to gendered social orientations across the globe, the hubris and humility effect related to intellectual self-image appears uniform across ages, ethnicities, and cultures. This stereotype particularly contributes to female underrepresentation in fields like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

To Know More You May Refer To

Reilly, D., Neumann, D. L., & Andrews, G. (2022). Gender Differences in Self-Estimated Intelligence: Exploring the Male Hubris, Female Humility Problem. Frontiers in psychology13, 812483.

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