Life Satisfaction 

life satisfaction

Verified by World Mental Healthcare Association

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Life satisfaction refers to an individual’s overall evaluation and contentment with their life as a whole. It involves subjective judgments and perceptions of one’s well-being, encompassing various aspects such as relationships, work, health, personal achievements, and overall happiness.

What Is Life Satisfaction?

Life satisfaction refers to an individual’s overall evaluation of their life as a whole, encompassing various domains such as relationships, work, health, and personal achievements. It is a subjective measure, reflecting the level of contentment, fulfillment, and happiness a person experiences in their life circumstances.

Read More About Relationships Here

This concept goes beyond momentary emotions and encompasses long-term perceptions and evaluations of one’s well-being 1 Kim, E. S., Delaney, S. W., Tay, L., Chen, Y., Diener, E. D., & Vanderweele, T. J. (2021). Life Satisfaction and Subsequent Physical, Behavioral, and Psychosocial Health in Older Adults. The Milbank quarterly99(1), 209–239. . Life satisfaction is influenced by both external factors, such as socioeconomic status and life events, and internal factors, such as personality traits and coping mechanisms.

Examples Of Life Satisfaction
Examples Of Life Satisfaction

Prevalence Of Life Satisfaction

The prevalence of life satisfaction varies among populations due to cultural and societal factors, with higher rates often observed in developed countries with better social welfare systems. However, individual variations within the same society are significant.

Gender differences in life satisfaction are inconclusive, as some studies 2 Baird, B. M., Lucas, R. E., & Donnellan, M. B. (2010). Life Satisfaction Across the Lifespan: Findings from Two Nationally Representative Panel Studies. Social indicators research99(2), 183–203. report small disparities, with women slightly more satisfied than men, while others find no significant gender effects. These variations are influenced by complex factors, including cultural norms, social roles, and individual life experiences.

What Determines Life Satisfaction?

Research 3 Neumann-Böhme, S., Attema, A. E., Brouwer, W. B. F., & van Exel, J. N. J. A. (2021). Life satisfaction: The role of domain-specific reference points. Health economics30(11), 2766–2779. attributes the following factors as determinants of life satisfaction:

  1. Quality and quantity of social connections
  2. Nature of economic stability and security
  3. Physical and mental health conditions
  4. Personal Fulfillment related to life goals and purpose
  5. Work Satisfaction, conditioned by job contentment and environment
  6. Cultural norms and societal expectations
  7. Personality traits like optimism, resilience, and gratitude
  8. Coping mechanisms like effective stress management, decision-making, etc.
  9. Enjoyable leisurely activities and recreational hobbies
  10. Life events and significant transitions
  11. Spirituality and religious beliefs
  12. Income inequality, political stability, education, and healthcare access

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Happiness vs Life Satisfaction
Happiness vs Life Satisfaction

Why Is Satisfaction Important In Life?

Satisfaction is crucial in life 4 Badri, M. A., Alkhaili, M., Aldhaheri, H., Yang, G., Albahar, M., & Alrashdi, A. (2022). Exploring the Reciprocal Relationships between Happiness and Life Satisfaction of Working Adults-Evidence from Abu Dhabi. International journal of environmental research and public health19(6), 3575. as it contributes to overall well-being and happiness, enabling individuals to find contentment and fulfillment in their experiences, relationships, and achievements. It provides a sense of purpose, motivates personal growth, and fosters resilience in the face of challenges.

Moreover, life satisfaction positively influences mental health, enhances coping mechanisms, and promotes healthier lifestyle choices, making it an essential factor in improving the overall quality of life.

Life Satisfaction And Mental Health

Studies consistently demonstrate an inverse relationship 5 Michalski, C. A., Diemert, L. M., Hurst, M., Goel, V., & Rosella, L. C. (2022). Is life satisfaction associated with future mental health service use? An observational population-based cohort study. BMJ open12(4), e050057. between life satisfaction and mental health issues, with higher life satisfaction associated with lower rates of depression, anxiety, and emotional distress.

Read More About Depression Here

Longitudinal research further highlights that lower life satisfaction predicts future mental health problems, underscoring the significance of addressing life satisfaction for preventing mental health disorders.

Life satisfaction’s positive impact on mental health functioning is evident through various mechanisms. Satisfied individuals exhibit greater resilience, employ better coping strategies, and experience more positive emotions, which collectively contribute to enhanced psychological well-being.

Moreover, higher life satisfaction acts as a protective factor against mental health disorders, motivates positive change, and fosters stronger social support networks, further promoting positive mental health outcomes. Emphasizing life satisfaction is crucial in supporting mental well-being and cultivating a healthier, happier life.

Why Do We Feel Dissatisfied In Life?

The following factors 6 Roy, D. C., Lun, R., Wang, T. F., Chen, Y., & Wells, P. (2021). Life dissatisfaction in Canadians aged 40 and above with cancer and mental health disorders: A cross-sectional study using the Canadian Community Health Survey. Cancer medicine10(21), 7601–7609. can make individuals feel dissatisfied in life:

  1. Discrepancies between desired outcomes and reality
  2. Failure to meet personal goals or aspirations
  3. Financial difficulties and insecurity
  4. Troubled relationships or a lack of social support
  5. Physical or mental health challenges
  6. Prolonged stress and exhaustion
  7. Traumatic experiences or significant losses
  8. Constantly comparing oneself to others or societal standards
  9. Feeling aimless or lacking a sense of purpose
  10. Discontentment with one’s job or career
  11. Societal expectations and cultural norms
  12. Certain personality traits or cognitive patterns like neuroticism, narcissism, etc.

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How To Deal With Dissatisfaction In Life
How To Deal With Dissatisfaction In Life

How To Improve Life Satisfaction

Consider the following measures 7 Cohn, M. A., Fredrickson, B. L., Brown, S. L., Mikels, J. A., & Conway, A. M. (2009). Happiness unpacked: positive emotions increase life satisfaction by building resilience. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)9(3), 361–368. on how to improve life satisfaction:

  • Identify the sources of dissatisfaction and reflect on personal values and goals.
  • Seek professional help, such as counseling or therapy, to address underlying issues affecting life satisfaction.
  • Cultivate a positive mindset and practice gratitude to focus on the positives in life.
  • Engage in meaningful activities and hobbies to find fulfillment and purpose.
  • Improve social connections and seek support from friends, family, or support groups.
  • Set realistic and achievable goals, celebrating small successes along the way.
  • Take care of physical and mental health through regular exercise, healthy eating, and stress management.
  • Consider making positive changes in areas causing dissatisfaction, such as career or relationships.
  • Practice self-compassion and avoid harsh self-criticism, acknowledging that life satisfaction is a journey with ups and downs.
  • Embrace mindfulness and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and increase overall well-being.

Read More About Mindfulness Here


Life satisfaction is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects of one’s life, and it plays a crucial role in the mental health functioning of an individual’s life. Identifying the factors that contribute to dissatisfaction and taking proactive steps to improve life satisfaction can lead to a more fulfilling and happier life.

By nurturing positive relationships, focusing on personal growth, and practicing gratitude and self-compassion, individuals can enhance their life satisfaction and ultimately improve their overall quality of life and mental well-being.

At A Glance

  1. Life satisfaction is a subjective evaluation of one’s overall well-being, influenced by various internal and external factors.
  2. It varies among populations and genders and has a significant impact on mental health.
  3. Mental health and life satisfaction are related; addressing life satisfaction is crucial for promoting positive mental well-being.
  4. Dissatisfaction in life can arise from multiple sources, such as unfulfilled expectations, financial strain, and poor social relationships.
  5. By focusing on personal growth, gratitude, and meaningful activities, individuals can enhance life satisfaction and lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are life satisfaction and happiness the same thing?

Life satisfaction and happiness are related but distinct concepts, with happiness referring to a positive emotional state and life satisfaction encompassing broader evaluations of one’s life circumstances and overall contentment.

2. Can life satisfaction change over time?

Yes, life satisfaction can change over time as it is influenced by various life events, experiences, and personal growth.

3. Is life satisfaction a subjective measure?

Yes, life satisfaction is a subjective measure as it involves individual perceptions and evaluations of one’s own life.

4. Can life dissatisfaction trigger mental illness?

While life dissatisfaction can be a contributing factor to mental health issues, the relationship is complex, and other factors also play crucial roles in triggering mental illness.


  • 1
     Kim, E. S., Delaney, S. W., Tay, L., Chen, Y., Diener, E. D., & Vanderweele, T. J. (2021). Life Satisfaction and Subsequent Physical, Behavioral, and Psychosocial Health in Older Adults. The Milbank quarterly99(1), 209–239.
  • 2
     Baird, B. M., Lucas, R. E., & Donnellan, M. B. (2010). Life Satisfaction Across the Lifespan: Findings from Two Nationally Representative Panel Studies. Social indicators research99(2), 183–203.
  • 3
     Neumann-Böhme, S., Attema, A. E., Brouwer, W. B. F., & van Exel, J. N. J. A. (2021). Life satisfaction: The role of domain-specific reference points. Health economics30(11), 2766–2779.
  • 4
     Badri, M. A., Alkhaili, M., Aldhaheri, H., Yang, G., Albahar, M., & Alrashdi, A. (2022). Exploring the Reciprocal Relationships between Happiness and Life Satisfaction of Working Adults-Evidence from Abu Dhabi. International journal of environmental research and public health19(6), 3575.
  • 5
     Michalski, C. A., Diemert, L. M., Hurst, M., Goel, V., & Rosella, L. C. (2022). Is life satisfaction associated with future mental health service use? An observational population-based cohort study. BMJ open12(4), e050057.
  • 6
     Roy, D. C., Lun, R., Wang, T. F., Chen, Y., & Wells, P. (2021). Life dissatisfaction in Canadians aged 40 and above with cancer and mental health disorders: A cross-sectional study using the Canadian Community Health Survey. Cancer medicine10(21), 7601–7609.
  • 7
     Cohn, M. A., Fredrickson, B. L., Brown, S. L., Mikels, J. A., & Conway, A. M. (2009). Happiness unpacked: positive emotions increase life satisfaction by building resilience. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)9(3), 361–368.

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