If you believe that material available on the Minds Journal infringes on your copyright(s), please notify us by submitting form below. After we receive a valid and complete notice, we will investigate, remove the material, and make a good faith attempt to contact the user who uploaded the material, via email.

Minds Journal is a platform where Authors/Writers/bloggers often use copyrighted materials in commentary or journalism or transform the materials into something original. As such, before submitting a DMCA notice, it’s important to consider whether the material used falls under fair use. If you are not sure whether material on Minds Journal infringes on your copyright, or if it is subject to fair use protections, you should first consider seeking legal advice.

You may be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you materially misrepresent that material or activity infringes on your copyright. We have and will highlight such abuses and seek to collect those damages.

Your DMCA notice will be forwarded to the user that submitted the material. A note will also be placed on the site in question detailing the name of the copyright owner who submitted the takedown notice. We reserve the right to challenge abuses of the DMCA process, and your use of this form does not waive that right.

As required by the DMCA, we have the policy to terminate users that we consider to be repeat infringers. Although we won’t share the specifics of our repeat infringer policy, we believe that it strikes the right balance: it protects the rights of copyright owners and protects legitimate users from wrongful termination. Please note that notices that are successfully countered, rejected on fair use grounds, or deemed to be fraudulent are not counted against a user.

PLEASE NOTE: Copyright Claims can only be filed by the copyright holders or their authorized representatives making a claim under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA).

[email protected]

Minds Journal is registered with DMCA, U.S. Copyright Office registration number DMCA-1030078