Kolkata Police Collaborates With Caring Minds Institute To Conduct For Officers Workshop On Mental Wellbeing

Workshop on mental wellbeing
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In an effort to enhance support for the elderly enrolled in the Pronam project, Kolkata Police organized a comprehensive workshop on mental wellbeing aimed at providing officers with valuable insights into the challenges faced by the aged population.

Pronam, an initiative by Kolkata Police, has been addressing the needs of the lonely and elderly in the city for several years.

With thousands of seniors currently benefiting from this program, designated officers have been tasked with ensuring their well-being within their respective jurisdictions.

Workshop On Mental Wellbeing Of The Aged Population

Working closely with the elderly presents a unique set of challenges for police officers.

To facilitate better understanding and interactions between the officers and the elderly individuals under their care, a specialized mental well-being workshop was jointly conducted by Kolkata Police and Caring Minds – Institute of Mental Health.

The workshop took place on Thursday at the Police Training School, where officers gathered to acquire valuable insights and techniques to better assist the elderly community.

Pronam, meaning ‘Beloved’ in Bengali, is a heartwarming initiative that strives to address the emotional needs of the elderly who often grapple with feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Through this project, Kolkata Police has taken on the responsibility of providing companionship and care to the elderly by assigning officers who visit and check on them regularly.

As the number of beneficiaries continues to grow, it has become increasingly important to equip the officers with the tools and knowledge necessary to support the mental and emotional well-being of these seniors.

The collaborative workshop between Kolkata Police and Caring Minds – Institute of Mental Health aimed to bridge the gap between law enforcement officers and the unique needs of the elderly.

The workshop was designed to provide officers with a deeper understanding of the psychological challenges faced by the aged population.

It emphasized the importance of empathy, effective communication, and active listening when interacting with elderly individuals who may be dealing with issues such as loneliness, depression, and anxiety.

During the workshop, participants engaged in discussions and interactive sessions led by mental health professionals from Caring Minds.

These sessions covered a wide range of topics, including recognizing signs of mental distress, addressing emotional needs, and learning de-escalation techniques.

The officers were encouraged to share their experiences and concerns, fostering a supportive environment where they could learn from each other’s insights.

The collaboration between Kolkata Police and Caring Minds showcases a progressive approach in addressing the holistic needs of the community.

By acknowledging the mental and emotional aspects of the elderly’s well-being, law enforcement officers are better equipped to provide comprehensive care and support to those they serve.

The workshop not only highlighted the challenges that come with providing assistance to the elderly but also emphasized the positive impact that understanding and empathy can have on fostering a healthier and more compassionate society.

As the Pronam project continues to evolve and touch the lives of more elderly individuals, initiatives like the mental wellbeing workshop signify a proactive stance by law enforcement agencies to ensure the holistic well-being of their communities.

By investing in training and collaboration with mental health experts, Kolkata Police is setting a commendable example of how public service organizations can work together to create a more inclusive and caring environment for all members of society.

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