Plateware Color Affects Picky Eaters’ Food Habits: Study Finds

Plateware Color Affects Picky Eaters’ Food Habits
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Psychology News

A team of researchers at the University of Portsmouth explored how plateware color affects picky eaters and their food psychology. The study is published in the journal Food Quality and Preference.

The Study

The researchers surveyed over 50 participants who were asked to taste the same snacks served in red, white, and blue bowls. The participants were divided into picky and non-picky eaters. Their food neophobia (or the reluctance to eat or try new food) was measured.

The Findings

The results revealed that the color of the plates influences tastes of food served, particularly its perceived saltiness and desirability.

Picky eaters are put off by food in the red bowl, as opposed to the white and blue bowls. People with non-picky eating habits, however, were unaffected by the color of the food plates.

The study is significant for formulating interventions for picky eaters and kids who prefer colors on their plates during mealtimes.

The authors added: “This knowledge could be useful for those trying to expand the repertoire of foods,” added Dr. Stafford. Through further research we could determine ways to help positively affect a person’s diet, and as a result their mental and physical health.

To Know More You May Refer To

Annette, M., & Stafford, L. D. (2022). How Colour Influences Taste Perception in Adult Picky Eaters. Food Quality and Preference, 104763.

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