Can The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO) Boost Your Mental Wellness?

Joy Of Missing Out
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  • JOMO, or the joy of missing out, is about intentionally choosing to miss certain activities without feeling anxious or guilty.
  • While it can bring mental health benefits, it’s important to strike a healthy balance between social engagement and alone time for mentally sound practice.

What Is The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO)?

The “joy of missing out” or JOMO is a term used to describe the positive feeling or sense of contentment that comes from intentionally disconnecting from social media, technology, or other activities/events that one may feel pressured to participate in, but may not genuinely enjoy or find fulfilling.


FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out, is the opposite of JOMO. FOMO is the constant feeling of anxiety or fear that we are missing out on something better or more exciting happening elsewhere. It can lead to a never-ending cycle of comparison, over-commitment, and social media addiction.

In contrast, JOMO promotes contentment, mindfulness, and intentional disconnection. It’s about being present and satisfied with our choices without constantly seeking external validation or approval.

The Advantages Of Choosing JOMO

Choosing JOMO can bring several advantages, including:

  • Reduced stress
  • Improved mental health
  • Enhanced well-being
  • Promotion of authentic social connections
  • Enhanced mindfulness and self-awareness
  • Promotion of self-love and self-care

Is JOMO A Mentally Sound Practice?

JOMO may have its advantages, but a recent study at Washington State University revealed a link between the joy of missing out and social anxiety. The researchers surveyed data from 500 participants recruited through Amazon’s crowdsourcing platform MTurk.

The latter answered a series of questionnaires that assessed their inclination toward social disconnection, social media use, loneliness and social anxiety, personality traits, etc. The results revealed that JOMO heavily involves reduced life satisfaction and high levels of social anxiety.

In fact, in a society that often glorifies constant productivity and busy schedules, choosing to miss out on certain activities or events may result in social pressure or feelings of FOMO. Choosing JOMO may also mean missing out on certain opportunities (such as professional or social networking events), which could lead to feelings of guilt, self-doubt, regret, or disappointment.

Practicing JOMO The Right Way

It helps to remember that JOMO is a personal practice that requires finding a balance that aligns with your values, lifestyle, and well-being. By embracing JOMO, you can prioritize self-care, be present in the moment, and cultivate a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

However, it’s important to avoid using JOMO as an excuse for isolation or avoidance of responsibilities, and, instead, strike a healthy balance between social engagement and alone time for recharging and rejuvenating.

Maintaining healthy social connections and fulfilling commitments are crucial aspects of life. Finding a healthy equilibrium between enjoying moments of missing out and actively participating in social engagements is key to making JOMO a mentally sound practice that supports your well-being while also maintaining meaningful connections with others.

Know More About –

  1. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
  2. Social Media Addiction
  3. Social Media And Mental Health
  1. How To Find Happiness With JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out
  2. How to Limit the Time You Spend Online
  3. How To Overcome FOMO (or Fear Of Missing Out) And Live In The Moment

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