‘Finger Breathing’ Technique: Effective Solution for Sleep, Study Shows 

Five finger breathing
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If you struggle with sleep or stress, there’s a technique known as the “five-finger breathing” that can help you calm down and potentially improve your ability to fall asleep.

This simple breath work technique involves using your hands as a prop to trigger your body’s parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for relaxation and digestion. By incorporating sight and touch, 5 finger breathing becomes a mindfulness exercise that practitioners claim can boost endorphins and promote deep relaxation.

Engaging in five-finger breathing for relaxation facilitates the release of endorphins in the brain. Dr. Scheman explains, “Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers. They’re chemically identical to opioids, but they don’t cause constipation, or sometimes itching, nausea or vomiting, and they don’t disrupt your sleep or your immune system.” In simple terms, endorphins can be likened to a safe and natural “drug” that our bodies produce when we achieve a state of deep relaxation.

To perform the 5 finger breathing technique, start by holding one hand in front of you with your fingers spread. Begin at the base where your thumb starts and your wrist ends. Using the index finger of your other hand, trace along the thumb while inhaling deeply.

Pause briefly at the top, and then trace down the outside of the thumb while exhaling. Repeat this process as you slowly trace around your entire hand, inhaling as you go up to the tips of your fingers, pausing briefly at the top, and exhaling as you trace down. You can experience the relaxing effects by giving it a try. Once you reach the end of your hand, simply reverse the process and repeat in the opposite direction.

This technique utilizes breath work and the sensory experience of touch to help activate the body’s natural painkillers, endorphins, and induce a state of relaxation. It’s a portable and accessible practice that can be used anyplace, anytime you need a moment of calm or a little extra assistance with sleep.

By incorporating the five-finger technique into your routine, you can tap into the benefits of mindful breath work, promote relaxation, and potentially improve your overall well-being. Give it a go and see if this simple practice can bring you some much-needed relief and tranquility in challenging moments or assist you in achieving a restful sleep.

When it comes to children, getting them to sit still, let alone meditate or learn conventional breath work techniques, can be a challenge. However, this five-finger breathing technique that children can easily grasp.

It serves as a valuable tool for teaching them how to calm down, regulate their emotions, and find a sense of inner balance. In essence, the five-finger breathing for relaxation is beneficial for anyone seeking a moment of respite from the chaotic and demanding aspects of life.

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