Beat Winter Blues: Expert Tips to Lift Your Mood

Beat winter blues
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As winter continues, many people in India and around the world are feeling the “winter blues.” Shorter days and less sunlight can make people feel sad, tired, or even depressed. Experts say this is common, and some call it Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). In places like Michigan, USA, up to 40% of people may feel this way during winter.

Symptoms of winter depression include feeling sad most of the day, sleeping too much, overeating, and losing interest in fun activities. Women, people living in colder areas, and those in rural places are more likely to feel this way.

But donโ€™t worry! Experts have shared simple tips to help you feel better. Try going for a walk, even if itโ€™s cold outside. Joining a book club, meditating, or spending time with pets can also lift your mood. Eating healthy, keeping a journal, and staying connected with friends and family are great ways to fight the winter blues.

So, if youโ€™re feeling down this winter, remember these tips and take small steps to brighten your day!

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